Sunday, February 21, 2016

Preparing for travel and becoming a local via the radio

I haven't posted for sometime. One of the reasons is that I have been in Mandarin class. I came across this talks about how radio can help with language.. Here is the article about learning Chinese (Mandarin) and how the radio helps.mandarin-chinese-radio-online/

It reminded me of another tool my husband and I use when preparing to travel,even within the USA or other local travels. Listen to local radio, before you go. With the invention of the Internet.. the world is at your fingertips. This includes radio online. Either English stations abroad or those in the native languages. 
When we go to Hawaii or Australia, we research and listen to local music and news before we arrive. 
This way we are up to date with local activities and issues. This allows you to chat with locals and blend.. Others also appreciate your willingness to learn about their city or culture. 

One other perk, if you have children, play children's radio or get children's music in the local language, not only will they pick it up, they will be less thrown upon their arrival.. 

If you want to travel like a local, listen like a local. 
幸福之旅 (Happy Trip)
Xìngfú zhī lǚ